Friday 14 September 2012

Anne Frank - Anne Frank

Anne Frank

June 12, 1929

Born in Frankfurt am Main (Germany).


The Frank family emigrates to Amsterdam.


Anne starts school at the Montessori School in Amsterdam.


Grandmother Holländer moves from Aachen in Germany to Amsterdam and moves in with the Frank family.


Jews are forced to go to separate schools. Anne and Margot have to go to the Joods Lyceum (‘Jewish High School’).

January 29, 1942

Grandmother Holländer dies of cancer in Amsterdam.

June 12, 1942

Anne is given a diary as a present on her thirteenth birthday.

July 5, 1942

Margot receives her call-up papers to report for a ‘work camp’ in Germany.

July 6, 1942

The Frank family goes into hiding in the secret annex.

August 4, 1944

The people in hiding are arrested.

August 8, 1944

The people in hiding are sent to the Westerbork transit camp (the Netherlands).

September 3, 1944

Deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp (occupied Poland).

September 6, 1944

Arrival at Auschwitz. Anne survives the selection.

October 1944

Anne and Margot are deported to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp (Germany).

March 1945

Anne and Margot die in Bergen-Belsen.

July 1945

Otto Frank hears that Anne and Margot have died in Bergen-Belsen. After this, Miep Gies gives him Anne’s diary.

June 25, 1947

Otto Frank gets the diary published in the Netherlands.

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